Saturday, July 30, 2005

Let's make this weekend fun.

I have accomplished much so far this morning. I woke up, got my oil changed, read the paper. That really isn't a lot but I feel like it is.

I'm about to head over to my parents to pick up some shower items and other fun glassware for next Sunday. I hope to get it all done within a few hours so I can have the rest of the day off. I want to finish Teen Aqua Hunger Force. We started it last night and I thought it was quite funny.

Nory and Keith want us to go out to Antones tonight to see this band Steamroller. Then Jake wants to go to B Side or Buffalo Billards for some shuffleboard. So many options yet not so much money. Of course there is always Lala's. Decisions, decisions.

Sunday is still open. I'd sure like a dip in Barton Springs. Did you hear about the tree that fell in Friday morning? Century-old tree topples into Barton Springs Crazy huh?

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