Thursday, February 05, 2009

My office

Tobi's blog post got me thinking last night...I need an area to work and store my crochet.  We have a decent sized office filled with boxes.  So this morning I started to move the boxes out and vacuum.

Look at all this room I can use!

(Oh, excuse the dead dog on the carpet.)

Now it's empty and ready for me to fill it up with my junk.  I found this neat storage cart from Target that I'm going to buy.  

It has 7 drawers and they snap shut and pull out.  How fabulous is this?  Colotte loves to sit on my new projects, so if I plan to sell them, I need to hide them from her.  Or consider shaving both animals.  That wouldn't be such a bad idea.  You should see how much dog and cat hair I vacuumed today.  Actually no, why would I show you that?  That's what happens when you have time.  You start to blog about stupid crap.  I better go.

1 comment:

Tobi said...

Look at all this progress and motivation. Dayum.

I have a very hard time keeping my dogs away from my scarves and hats. I always have to run them through the dryer with a dryer sheet to get their fur off before I mail them out.