I'm so sorry to neglect you again blog. It's been a crazy year, with having a baby and all. Plus I'm lazy.
But in all honesty, being a Mommy has been such a pleasure (so far) and really been consuming my life in all aspects. I have no complaints, except lack of free time to crochet, craft and eat hot meals at the dinner table.
Thank goodness for Pinterest. I can't even begin to explain how much I adore that site. Talk about a fabulous way to keep track of projects and ideas/inspirations!
Anyways, I'll try and keep this blog updated on a semi-basis. I plan on getting in the crafty mood once again and hopefully posting some holiday pictures. Promise.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Saturday, May 07, 2011
Thursday, May 05, 2011
I am thrilled to welcome....
Vivienne Ava, born Monday, May 2nd at 5:24pm, weighing 6lbs., 13 oz., 20.5 inches long.
She's amazing!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
So, I have hit that final stage of pregnancy where I am completely, utterly, physically miserable. I had to take off work and just recharge my batteries. Sadly my daughter had other plans for me. Her idea of fun was to spend the majority of the day stretching out and kicking me in many places. Experienced my first kick of the ribs and shed a few tears. That is NOT an experience I will forget, but I held my tongue from spewing profanities and thought of kittens and unicorns. I know she is just as uncomfortable as me.
I can't sleep on my sides because I'm too fat and I squish her. I can't sleep on my back because she stretches out and I have multiple body parts protruding out of my body at all hours of the night. I can't lay down because I get heartburn like a bitch. I can't catch my breath, I pant all the time, I complain and whine, and I sweat like a pig.
I would avoid my presence for the next few weeks if I were you. I don't even want to be around myself.
Here is my sweet nephew!
Monday, April 18, 2011
My sister is in labor right now and 10 cm. dilated! I am so excited for her and wish I was in Houston to share this moment. Thank goodness for Facebook.
I'll post up my nephews stats as soon as they come in.
I'll post up my nephews stats as soon as they come in.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
The Nursery Is Done!
Can I tell you how excited I am to have the nursery complete? I'm very excited, and pleased. Matt was a dove and did a great job restoring the room door and closet doors. They were a mess to paint over and refinish and all the other drama that happened. But he came through and finally it's done.
This room has become the coolest room in the house. I wish I had put more effort into our bedroom, but I'm glad Vivienne can enjoy her room and know she has the creme de la creme of the house. Now if she can just get here....

This room has become the coolest room in the house. I wish I had put more effort into our bedroom, but I'm glad Vivienne can enjoy her room and know she has the creme de la creme of the house. Now if she can just get here....

Can I finish this damn thing in time?
Thursday, April 07, 2011
I am carrying a small whale inside my tummy
Sunday, April 03, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
I am so uncomfortable. I don't even know what this post is going to be about, I just felt the desire to complain.
This is me right now.

I'm fat, miserable, I pee 12 times a day and she never sleeps. NEVER!!! Yoga is impossible now. I almost threw up in class last night b/c of acid reflux coming up in downward dog. And she won't stop moving! Ok ok enough of the pity party.
I'm very happy to be pregnant. I'm happy to have a beautiful baby sucking all my nutrients and will to live. Oops, positivity now. I'm grateful she is healthy and active. Plus I know all the weight will go away in 2 weeks and I'll be skinnier than ever! Delusions are good to have.
This is me right now.

I'm fat, miserable, I pee 12 times a day and she never sleeps. NEVER!!! Yoga is impossible now. I almost threw up in class last night b/c of acid reflux coming up in downward dog. And she won't stop moving! Ok ok enough of the pity party.
I'm very happy to be pregnant. I'm happy to have a beautiful baby sucking all my nutrients and will to live. Oops, positivity now. I'm grateful she is healthy and active. Plus I know all the weight will go away in 2 weeks and I'll be skinnier than ever! Delusions are good to have.
32 weeks,
first pregnancy,
third trimester
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Holy belly!

Now that's a BIG ole belly people. 31 weeks, a few days away from 32. Still in a state of shock at times. A few days ago I walked into the nursery and just started staring at the clothes in awe. Things are going to change people. No more late mornings, hangovers (well, hopefully less frequent), laziness, selfishness and other shenanigans like that.
I've started crafting again, making headbands that don't look gay and a baby blanket to match her nursery colors. I will not have her in those god awful gigantic fake flower headbands you see everywhere. I'm gonna class this baby up a bit. Plus I can make those damn headbands for under $2 and I see them on sale on Etsy for $25! C'mon people, where is your creative gene?
Back to my belly, did I tell you it's huge? Doc said she was making her way head down, and I can feel it migrating down in my pelvis a bit. I'm so ready to have this baby. Like 2 weeks ago. Let's just skip the labor and have her miraculously pop out one morning. That idea sounds like the winner for me.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Smuggling hams
So I posted my weekly belly (ok, they haven't really been every week) pic on Facebook and one of my friends remarked it looked like I was smuggling a ham under my shirt. I don't know why but that tickled me pink. I'm gonna keep that phrase and ride with it for awhile because, yes, it does look like I have a large ham, maybe a pot-belly pig hiding out in my t-shirt. Luckily I was in a good mood last night and my husband convinced me to take this picture with belly hanging out. I have to admit, it feels good to let that thing loose.

The final stretch is fast approaching. My 30th week starts Saturday. Can you believe that? I can't. I had an ultrasound this morning to see how fluids and other things were measuring up inside my vast internal home. Everything is looking good and Vivienne is measuring in at an average weight of 3 pounds. Wow, another surreal moment. I have a 3 pound baby. One more shocker that just blows my mind. There was never any doubt this girl did not exist, as she reminds me on a minutely basis. My wiggly alien baby likes to make her presence known with an iron fist, or leg.
I'm a bit sad I miss out on some fun drinking holidays in the next few months. Namely SXSW, St. Patty's Day and Cinco de Mayo. Grrrrrrr! I plan on making it to one free boat trip next week, only because I know there will be plentiful amounts of food and water. I'm such a cheap date. Promise me some free food and I'm there with bells on. Surprisingly, my appetite is pretty small. Let's put this another way - my eyes are HUGE and my stomach is smooshed. Plus the heartburn I get every night keeps me away from the Indian, Thai and peanut butter and jellies. I'm slightly tempted to attend a music show to see how she reacts, but after the *vacuum incident, I will bow out.
My first baby shower was last Saturday. My wonderful friends hosted the party and made it incredible. I'm waiting on pictures, and will post up as soon as possible. It's so nice to see the nursery jam packed with clothes and supplies and furniture! Just another reminder that 10 weeks is going to fly by.
*Working for a maid service has it perks - like free house cleanings. Since the house stays clean most of the time, I rarely vacuum any longer. One day when Matt was out-of-town, I decided to clean the house ahead of time so he would not see the 4 days of filth I created. I turn on the vacumm and it's like Vivienne wanted to jump out of my belly. I have never felt something so violent. I could tell she was completely freaked out by the noise. The vacuum is not very loud, as we have a Dyson, but regardless she was doing the Running Man inside my belly and trying to bust out. I turned it off and she quickly calmed down. Missed a spot so had to turn it back on and sure enough - freak out city. Moral of the story - I should never vacuum, ever. Ha!
That about sums up how I feel most of the time.
Ok, smile Dawn.
The final stretch is fast approaching. My 30th week starts Saturday. Can you believe that? I can't. I had an ultrasound this morning to see how fluids and other things were measuring up inside my vast internal home. Everything is looking good and Vivienne is measuring in at an average weight of 3 pounds. Wow, another surreal moment. I have a 3 pound baby. One more shocker that just blows my mind. There was never any doubt this girl did not exist, as she reminds me on a minutely basis. My wiggly alien baby likes to make her presence known with an iron fist, or leg.
I'm a bit sad I miss out on some fun drinking holidays in the next few months. Namely SXSW, St. Patty's Day and Cinco de Mayo. Grrrrrrr! I plan on making it to one free boat trip next week, only because I know there will be plentiful amounts of food and water. I'm such a cheap date. Promise me some free food and I'm there with bells on. Surprisingly, my appetite is pretty small. Let's put this another way - my eyes are HUGE and my stomach is smooshed. Plus the heartburn I get every night keeps me away from the Indian, Thai and peanut butter and jellies. I'm slightly tempted to attend a music show to see how she reacts, but after the *vacuum incident, I will bow out.
My first baby shower was last Saturday. My wonderful friends hosted the party and made it incredible. I'm waiting on pictures, and will post up as soon as possible. It's so nice to see the nursery jam packed with clothes and supplies and furniture! Just another reminder that 10 weeks is going to fly by.
*Working for a maid service has it perks - like free house cleanings. Since the house stays clean most of the time, I rarely vacuum any longer. One day when Matt was out-of-town, I decided to clean the house ahead of time so he would not see the 4 days of filth I created. I turn on the vacumm and it's like Vivienne wanted to jump out of my belly. I have never felt something so violent. I could tell she was completely freaked out by the noise. The vacuum is not very loud, as we have a Dyson, but regardless she was doing the Running Man inside my belly and trying to bust out. I turned it off and she quickly calmed down. Missed a spot so had to turn it back on and sure enough - freak out city. Moral of the story - I should never vacuum, ever. Ha!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Third Trimester - Here I Come!
Holy crap. 2 more days and I will be in my 3rd trimester. I never thought this week would come. But it has and I'm starting to feel all the old 1st trimester feelings coming back. No nausea or food aversions (thank God!) but I'm peeing like a leaky faucet and exhausted all the time.

That's what I feel like. I may not be that big, but my comfort level is slowly plummeted. I haven't had a good nights sleep in a few weeks. I just can't get in a comfortable position. If it's not my back aching, it's my belly in the way. Plus Vivienne is a damn show-off. Yes babeh, I know you are a kicking machine, but can you let Mommy sleep a bit? She goes non-stop. Sugar does not phase this lil one, she can make my stomach quiver like an alien trying to make its way out.
I remember back in the days when my sister was feeling kicks and I was so jealous. All I felt were tiny flutters, if that. One day I knew I would feel her and be so grateful. Now I hope she doesn't chew her way out. When I wake up I see her butt or head protruding from my belly and I wonder if she is trying to fancy a way out. If she is anything like Mommy, I wouldn't put it past her - we are a crafty bunch.

That's what I feel like. I may not be that big, but my comfort level is slowly plummeted. I haven't had a good nights sleep in a few weeks. I just can't get in a comfortable position. If it's not my back aching, it's my belly in the way. Plus Vivienne is a damn show-off. Yes babeh, I know you are a kicking machine, but can you let Mommy sleep a bit? She goes non-stop. Sugar does not phase this lil one, she can make my stomach quiver like an alien trying to make its way out.
I remember back in the days when my sister was feeling kicks and I was so jealous. All I felt were tiny flutters, if that. One day I knew I would feel her and be so grateful. Now I hope she doesn't chew her way out. When I wake up I see her butt or head protruding from my belly and I wonder if she is trying to fancy a way out. If she is anything like Mommy, I wouldn't put it past her - we are a crafty bunch.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Our Nursery Beginnings
We spent this beautiful weekend working on the nursery. With the help of Jake, Matt tackled the job of painting the walls, and hanging the fan. The room was previously painted white, so the actual painting took no time at all, just your typical running out of paint, discovering the baseboards were done with oil-based and not latex paint and whatnot.

Look at me! Busy as a bee, cutting out the tree decal flowers. That's all I was allowed to do. Let me tell you, it was a pain in the ass to cut out about a 100+ flowers and tree branches.

The actual creating the decal effect took most of Sunday afternoon, as I was somewhat surprised how time intensive it ended up being. But, being the perfectionist I am, spent more time on making sure the blowing effect was visible. Looks great, doesn't it?

I was somewhat hesitant working with the decals and our wall texture. But it ended up perfect, and you can barely see the slight bumps and grooves of the wall. The actual decals were sticky and adhered very well, but not too much so where you could not maneuver them a bit.

We purchased a relatively cheap and simple white fan, with the idea of painting the blades turquoise to match the room. The picture doesn't do it justice, but the blades in motion look fabulous. I hope it gives Vivienne hours of entertainment.

Jake creepin' in the closet.
I love this shade of turquoise! I knew it would look great behind the pink and white flowers.
Look at me! Busy as a bee, cutting out the tree decal flowers. That's all I was allowed to do. Let me tell you, it was a pain in the ass to cut out about a 100+ flowers and tree branches.
The actual creating the decal effect took most of Sunday afternoon, as I was somewhat surprised how time intensive it ended up being. But, being the perfectionist I am, spent more time on making sure the blowing effect was visible. Looks great, doesn't it?
I was somewhat hesitant working with the decals and our wall texture. But it ended up perfect, and you can barely see the slight bumps and grooves of the wall. The actual decals were sticky and adhered very well, but not too much so where you could not maneuver them a bit.
We purchased a relatively cheap and simple white fan, with the idea of painting the blades turquoise to match the room. The picture doesn't do it justice, but the blades in motion look fabulous. I hope it gives Vivienne hours of entertainment.
Matt putting up the new set of blinds.
The new carpet comes in next week and now all we need is the furniture, a few decor touches and we are good to go! I love being an anal planner. So if anything unexpected comes up, we are ready to physically have the baby. Mentally may be an issue :)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Jean shopping - the bane of my existence
As if shopping for denim was not hard enough pre-pregnancy, try it knocked up. It's like a world of hurt. Not only is the selection of jeans piss poor, but they look ugly. Let me show you.

Look at that! Does that look sexy to you? No!
Granted, these are what is called "full-panel" jeans. There are a few variety of styles, but when your belly gets larger and more pronounced, I prefer a little support around my guy.
The only store I know that has decent denim available for purchase in-store is Motherhood Maternity. God, this store has been my savior. The sales associates have always been incredibly helpful in a non-pushy kinda way. I just don't have that type of body where I can hop online and order anything based on pre-pregnancy sizes without trying it on.
Now back to my jean debacle. Last night the kind lady grabs me a handful of jeans after I tell her my requirements - must be full panel and skinny. No boot-cut for me. I want my legs to look like twigs (since they seem to be the only thing not gaining weight on my massive body.)
Here is where the embarrassment begins. I'm currently dealing with a condition called pubic symphysis. Basically I cannot spread my legs (hehehe) or put my balance on one leg at a time because my pelvis is spreading apart. Damn you relaxin!
I begin to try on the stack of jeans, wishing Matt was with me, just to help and not to laugh. But don't worry, I was doing plenty of that on my own - along with snorting and breathing hard. I spent 15 minutes trying to prop myself on the cushion stool in the corner of the room and almost fell ass-first into the mirror more than once. But my mission was accomplished! Two pair of jeans worked out along with a pair of Assets. (Those are the cheaper version of Spanxs for those not in the know.) Oh these things are so damn ugly but feel like butter.
All my excess fat rolls magically disappear into the leggings and I can see a semblance of my old body. It's a magic trick I could perform every day! Hoorah!
Vivienne is doing well and giving me kicks to my cervix now. It's almost like she is showing off, never a single swift jab, but many of them. I imagine her smiling, thanking Mommy for giving her another cupcake and infusing her blood system with a massive sugar rush. Then I promptly blame my lil Renesmee for giving me these insane sugar cravings and stealing my life essence. Too much? Blame the damn hormones.
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Halfway there!
Ahhh, I'm almost there...just a little more to go....almooost. Ah shit, I'm only halfway there. Le sigh.
Amazing to believe I have been pregnant for 5 months people! That's a long time. It seems like the first trimester took forever...now the second is almost done for. The third trimester looms in my future. Hopefully, I maintain this "almost perfect" pregnancy-mode for the next 20 weeks and I'll be golden. I try not to brag, as my poor sister has had an insane pregnancy, but I've been incredibly lucky to feel good, and look relatively unchanged. Sometimes I wish I had this humongous honkin' tummy, but of course that extra weight is a bitch to get off in the long-run, so I'll stick with what I have.
Amazing to believe I have been pregnant for 5 months people! That's a long time. It seems like the first trimester took forever...now the second is almost done for. The third trimester looms in my future. Hopefully, I maintain this "almost perfect" pregnancy-mode for the next 20 weeks and I'll be golden. I try not to brag, as my poor sister has had an insane pregnancy, but I've been incredibly lucky to feel good, and look relatively unchanged. Sometimes I wish I had this humongous honkin' tummy, but of course that extra weight is a bitch to get off in the long-run, so I'll stick with what I have.
My little one has been quite the kicker. Just this weekend I could feel a difference in her strength and frequency. She actually kept me up for 2 hours on Sunday just kicking and moving and doing her thing. All I wanted to do was nap, but she was having no part in it. I better get used to that feeling...

21 weeks baby!
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